Love, Natalie

Young woman holding two cloth circles wrapped with a pink hair towel.
Jul 06, 2020
We’ve all been there - dead tired, it’s midnight, and you just want to go. to. bed. Maybe you’re already under the covers, half-reading a book, or mindlessly scrolling through social media when you realize, “Ugh...I HAVE to go to sleep.” The absolute last thing you want to do at that point is to go to the bathroom, get all of your products off the shelf or out of the vanity, and start your nightly routine. I get it. However, today I’m going to share with you my top 4 reasons for cleansing before bedtime!

Pink flowers on white background near woman's hand holding pink, heart-shaped gua sha stone.
Jul 03, 2020
Have you ever searched “gua sha” on Google? You probably saw a TON of products, such as stones and rollers, a host of “how to” videos from dubious sources, and certainly a number of horror stories from improper use. But I would be willing to bet that you didn’t find the RIGHT kind of information on the uses and benefits of facial gua sha, body gua sha, or the rich history of gua sha before it became such a fad here in Western culture...

Euphoric Work: The Science of Flow
Jun 26, 2020
Ecstasy, as a concept, is usually tied to experiences with food, sexual activity, and even recreational drug use. So the idea of finding ecstasy in your workplace is probably a foreign concept. But what would it look like to actually work within an ecstatic or euphoric state? It would look like flow...

Understanding the Power of Healing Crystals
Jun 18, 2020
When I walk into a store that sells crystals, I love that I’m energetically drawn to certain stones. For me, the real connection occurs when I’m able to learn the meaning behind a particular stone, and something just clicks. It will immediately resonate with me and I can’t help but keep it close as I meditate, or simply admire its natural beauty.  Crystals as just so magical. As a person who suffers from migraine headaches, I love that I can grab my moonstone, place it on my neck where the pain is, and meditate that pain away...

Limitless blue sky and white fluffy clouds.
Jun 17, 2020
Today’s post is going to be short and sweet! I wanted to give you a video inspiration for understanding what limits truly are, and how you can continuously push them further and further out. One of the absolute best videos to illustrate what I’m talking about is from Casey Neistat, an accomplished videographer-turned-YouTube-vlogger...

Woman checking cell phone and watch in running clothes outdoors.
Jun 16, 2020
As a woman who has dedicated her life and lifestyle to organics, I’m always thinking about how I’m nourishing my body. Normally, my mind immediately goes to meals - what I’m physically fueling my body with. But today I want to talk a little bit about we can all better nourish our soul. It may sound trite or obvious, but conscious consumption is an essential part of living a more balanced and inspired life. But consumption comes in many forms: media, emotional energy, mealtime, the gym, etc. Being aware of how these different areas can affect our lives is essential in creating healthier habits...