Love, Natalie

Managing stress in healthy ways. Man sitting at table with head in hands.
Jun 15, 2020
Stress comes in many forms - from work to parenting, to chronic disease, to political and social uncertainty. (Sound familiar?) And while we tend to associate stress with negative situations, some stress is even derived from positive experiences - hello, skydiving! 

Woman with white hat laying on rocky beach. Sun protection.
Jun 12, 2020
Since we’re heading into the summer months, I wanted to write about something that’s very close to my heart: healthy sun protection! Yes, we do sell a natural sunscreen (which you can buy here!), but there are more ways to help yourself achieve that irresistible sunkissed look without sacrificing your skin’s health...

Ollie's Cookbook: A Nutritious Doggy Dinner!
Jun 11, 2020
Today’s post is going to focus on something very near and dear to my heart: feeding my King Charles Cavelier, Oliver a healthy diet. When we rescued Ollie, he was loved, but not in the greatest shape health-wise. His mouth, especially, was in poor shape. After a lot of vet visits and some serious dental work, Oliver was left with only a few teeth remaining. As such, we couldn’t feed him any sort of hard, dry kibble. And honestly? I wouldn’t want to. So with that in mind, I decided to look at the healthiest way I could feed my little fur baby...

How Blocked Are Your Chakras?
Jun 10, 2020
As a way to send-off our chakra series, I thought it would be a bit of fun to end on a functional note. I've covered all seven of your primary chakras, while giving you a brief glimpse into their functions, manifestations, blockages, and related exercises. But one thing that's a bit harder to cover in a general sense is your individual experience with your own chakras. In other words, how do you know if you're experiencing a blocked chakra to begin with? 

Chakra Series Part 7: Sahaswara
Jun 09, 2020
The Sahaswara, or Crown Chakra as it’s also known, is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to everything we can experience in this world. This chakra connects us to our higher selves, to every soul on the planet, as well as the divine energy responsible for creating our beautiful universe. The lotus flower symbolizes the Sahaswara: this beautiful flower emerges from muddy waters. Both literally and metaphorically the idea of emerging from muddy water represents the cycles of...

Chakra Series Part 6: Ajna or Third-Eye Chakra
Jun 07, 2020
As the penultimate chakra, Ajna represents our ‘Third-Eye’. Found in the space between the eyebrows, this chakra includes the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower areas of the brain. This invisible energy source is potent, and makes up the foundation of your intuition. Translated as “beyond wisdom,” Ajna opens up the pathways to deeper inner knowledge, and will often guide you whether you’re aware it’s happening or not! An open third-eye chakra may enable...